150040, Russia, Yaroslavl region, Yaroslavl, Volodarsky Street, 99
By car, check into Volodarsky Street from Nekrasov Street, along the tram tracks, turn left, to the black iron gate.
From Yaroslavl Main railway station buses no.: 76,17, 30, 55, 93g, trolleybus no. 3 to the stop "Karl Marx Square". Then cross the road and tram tracks in the opposite direction, go around the building on the left. Behind the second house there will be a right turn, the entrance to the hotel territory.
From Moskovsky Railway station and bus station: go to Moskovsky Prospekt via a hinged pedestrian crosswalk. Minibus: 97, bus № : 33, 42, 1, 53, 44k. to the stop "Karl Marx Square". Go to Lenin Avenue in the opposite direction, go to the right to October Avenue and tram tracks, go around the building on the left. Behind the second house there will be a right turn, the entrance to the hotel territory.